Unity can thrive in diversity!
June 2, 2024Are We Destroying Those Christ Died For? 🤔
December 29, 2024The belief that living in the supernatural is the height of spiritual experiences has led to a lack of awareness of miraculously normal living.
Jesus Christ lived a miraculously normal life. Imagine God, the creator of the world, coming in the form of a man, experiencing hunger, friendship, betrayal and all forms of temptations.
One minute, he was tired and sitting down by the well and the next minute, he was teaching about the living water and declaring himself as the Messiah. Jesus Christ spent time with his disciples, taught them, ate with them, and shared life with them. His humanity did not make him less divine.
If an integral part of Jesus’ ministry is love and fellowship, shouldn’t the same be expected of his believers?
Spirituality that involves ‘supernatural living’ yet lacking in love and fellowship is no spirituality. The early church experienced numerous miracles, yet fellowshipping with one another was the basis of their life.
We cannot over-stress the need to learn from and fellowship with diverse believers for balanced spiritual growth. Leave pride aside, be like Jesus, and choose the miraculously normal life.